Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

warcraft "frozen throne"

Daftar Cheat
Pada single-player game tekan [Enter] pada keyboard Anda. Ketik kode (kata atau kata-kata di sebelah kanan colonm dan kemudian tekan enter Kata dalam kurung harus masuk tanpa kurung.. Setelah kode tersebut diketik tekan [Enter] lagi dan harus mengatakan {Cheat Enabled!} di layar dengan asumsi Anda melakukannya dengan benar.

:[Enter] greedisgood 100000 [Enter] Cheat Enabled!

Effect                                                                                              CHEAT
Enable research                                                                            WhoIsJohnGalt
Gold                                                                                                 keysersoze (value)
Infinite mana                                                                                 thereisnospoon
Instant doom                                                                                 iocainepowder
Instant Loss                                                                                   somebodysetusupthebomb
Instantspellperformance                                                            thedudeabides
Instant Win                                                                                    allyourbasearebelongtous
Invulnerability and 1 shot kills                                                    whosyourdaddy
Level select                                                                                    motherland (race) (level number)
Lumber                                                                                           leafittome (value)
Lumber and Gold                                                                          greedisgood
Morning                                                                                          riseandshine
Night                                                                                               lightsout
Play after dying in campaign mode                                          strengthandhonor
Play the "Power of the Horde" song                                        TenthLevelTaurenChieftain
Quick research                                                                              whoisjohngalt
Re-enters the last cheat code you typed                                 =
Research all upgrades                                                                 sharpandshiny
sets the frames per second into the set number                   "maxfps(x)" where x is number
Speedsup theconstruction of buildingsandunits                    WarpTen
Turn off Tech-Tree                                                                       synergy
Turn off Victory                                                                            itvexesme
Units need no farms                                                                    pointbreak
View entire map                                                                           iseedeadpeople

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